Since 1905, the Yuma County Chamber of Commerce has been the "business voice" of Greater Yuma. We serve the City of Yuma, Wellton, San Luis, Somerton, and the Cocopah and Quechan Indian Nations.
The Yuma County Chamber of Commerce Website reflects the direction and rapid growth of our Chamber. Each year our partnerships with the local business community, area organizations and local and state government agencies strengthen, providing us with the opportunity to expand our horizons and grow your business.
During the past year we have continued along our path to increase membership in our chamber while at the same time greatly enhancing the benefits we offer our members. For example, our website has undergone a complete transformation. It now provides those who visit it with pertinent information about Greater Yuma and our Chamber. We have also included an enhanced membership directory and calendar. Member participation in various venues continues to flourish and participation at various educational seminars, breakfasts and after hours events are thriving. Learn more about us
生活日报:2021-9-9 · 目前,校园中有线、无线全覆盖的校园网网络已建成,济南、泰安校区两地使用统一的VPN系统, 实现共享数据和数据备份。校园一卡通系统可实现身份识别、校内支付、图书借阅等功能。 为确保健康环保,项目建设使用新型环保装修材料——石膏砂浆 ...
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